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XtScript Function: substr

Returns a part of a string from certain position and for certain length.

substr is an XtScript function that can trim / cut a string from a specific character index position, for certain length, and return the result.

XtScript substr function basic syntax:

	call substr $val=...; $start=...; $length=...

Available arguments in XtScript substr function:

List of arguments in XtScript substr function
$valstringRequiredSpecify the main string.
$startnumberRequiredSpecify the index of character the string will be trimmed / cut started from. If the value is negative, the function will started work from the position from the end of the string.
$lengthnumberOptionalSpecify the length of the returned string. If this argument is not set, then it will return all remained characters until the end of the string.

Learn XtScript substr function from examples

Trim a string for started from specific position, for certain length.

- Code:
	var $string = I am learning XtScript right now!
	var $string_2 = call substr $val=$string; $start=5; $length=17

	var $message = XtScript is fun to learn, isn't it?
	var $message_2 = call substr $val=$message; $start=-9

	print String: $string <br/>
	print After substr : $string_2

	print <br/><br/>

	print Message: $message <br/>
	print After substr: $message_2
- Result:
String: I am learning XtScript right now!
After substr : learning XtScript

Message: XtScript is fun to learn, isn't it?
After substr: isn't it?