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XtScript Function: mt_rand

create a random number between $min and $max.

mt_rand is an XtScript function that will generate and return random number between the $min and $max arguments passed.

XtScript mt_rand function basic syntax:

	call mt_rand $min=...; $max=...

Learn XtScript mt_rand function from examples

Generate random numbers between $min and $max arguments value.

- Code:
<style>.big { font-size:36px; color:red }</style>
	var $ran = call mt_rand $min=1; $max=100

	print <div style="text-align:center">
	print Your number: <br/>
	print <b class="big">$ran</b>
	print </div>
	print <p>Reload this page to generate new random number...</p>
To view live demo of the code snippet, you can view it on this page: XtScript random number function demo.