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XtScript Function: ceil and floor

Round fractions up, or down.

ceil is an XtScript function that will round a floating number up.

On the other hand, floor is an XtScript function that will round a floating number down.

XtScript ceil and floor function basic syntax:

	# Round floating number up
	call ceil $num=...

	# Round floating number down
	call floor $num=...

Learn XtScript ceil and floor function from examples

Round floating number up or down using XtScript ceil or floor function.

- Code:
	var $number = 23.1412
	var $rounded_up = call ceil $num=$number
	var $rounded_down = call floor $num=$number

	print Number: $number <br/>
	print Rounded up: $rounded_up <br/>
	print Rounded down: $rounded_down
- Result:
Number: 23.1412
Rounded up: 24
Rounded down: 23

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